Database Engines

Database engines allow you to create search tabs based on your local database rather than relying on a third party API key. It allows you to create complex search results in any format you want.

1. New DB Engine

You can create a new database engine here. If you have some knowledge in writing SQL queries, then you can use this feature easily. In the New Engine field, you may provide an Engine name.

1.1 MYSQL Details
Mysql details section allows you to enter the information required to connect to the particular database of the server. It allows you to specify your MySQL server name, database username, database password and the database name.

1.2 Query Details
This section determines the behaviour of the new DB engine. You may specify the SQL query based on the engine works. The 'select' field in query details indicates the names of the table fields required in your results. The 'from' field indicates the names of the tables used in this query (multiple tables can be used by separating by commas). The 'where' field is for specifying the result condition. Please use the variable {search} in condition where you want to place your actual search keyword. In real time the {search} variable will be replaced with the actual user search keyword. The scripts automatically manages the paging. So please do not use the 'limit' keyword in your where condition.

1.3 Result Format
Your DB engine search results are displayed in result page according to the format given in this field, that is, whether your results should comprises of link or text content and how it should be ordered etc. You can use table fields in result format as {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} etc where the number denote at what position your needed field is present in the select field of the query details.

For example, you are writing a query to view the employee details of an organisation. You want to view the name, age, qualification and address of the active employees. The name should be a link which should redirect to a site which shows address. The age and qualification should appear as text content. The example query can be "SELECT id,name, age, qualification FROM employeedetails WHERE name='{search}'". Here id, name, age, qualification are given in select field and employeedetails is given in from field and name='{search}' is given in condition field of query details.

The content of the result format can be as follows

<a href="{1}">{2}</a>
<br>Age: {3}
<br>Qualification: {4}

2. Manage DB Engines
All the database engines can be managed here. Each database engine is managed using various links corresponding to Edit, Test, Disable/Enable, View Details and Delete operations. The Edit link allow you to update any of the database engine details if required. The test link checks server connection, authentication, database connection of the database engine and finally it verify whether the results are fetched properly for the specified query. The delete link allow you to delete a database engine. The Disable/Enable will make you to inactive/active database engine respectively. The view details link allow you to view the settings and related details of the database engines.

3. Database Engine - Settings

Turn on Spelling Suggestion for Database Engines
By turning on this option the user can view an alternate search keyword when he/she searches with a misspelled keyword.

Turn on Related Keywords for Database Engines
If this option is turned on, users can view related keywords for the searched keyword, while searching in any of the database engines from the public area.

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